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Continuing Education
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The College of Continuing Education of Minzu University of China was established in 2000 on the basis of the former Management Cadre College, Continuing Education Department, Evening University Correspondence Department, and dry Training Department. It is an important part of Minzu University to serve ethnic areas and perform social functions, and also undertakes the management of continuing education within the university。

Continuing education at Minzu University of China began in the 1950s,In order to meet the urgent needs of regime construction and economic and cultural development in ethnic areas at that time,It is based on the training course for military and political cadres during the founding period of the school,According to the actual situation in ethnic minority areas,Take the form of lectures or special reports by foreign experts, teachers inside and outside the school and leading comrades of state organs,Carry out cadre training。By the early 1990s, nearly 150 dry training courses had been held, training more than 7,000 cadres, and a large number of trainees of the dry training Department had become heroes and role models on all fronts, making important contributions to national unity, border stability and modernization。

In 1983, in accordance with the spirit of the National Party School Work Conference and the spirit of the Chengdu Conference of the State Democratic Affairs Commission, the school began to implement adult education。After nearly two decades of exploration and development,College adult education in line with "based on the capital society,The aim of running a school for ethnic minority areas,Fully integrate the faculty resources of the school,Strictly standardize curriculum design and teaching management,Carefully created a number of strong applications,A distinctive specialty,The school's quality and social satisfaction have improved year by year,The number and scale of the school's adult education enrollment ranks among the top in Beijing。

In recent years,The College takes the initiative to adapt to the development situation of ethnic minority areas,Consciously fulfill social responsibilities,We will continue to serve the reform and development needs of ethnic minority areas,Take non-academic training as the focus of transformation and development,In 2012 and 2013, it was approved by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to become a training base for Min-Chinese bilingual talents and a national continuing education base for professional and technical personnel,The college relies on the influence of the school in ethnic areas,Combined with in-depth research on economy, culture and society in ethnic areas,Actively explore the new era of continuing education model for ethnic areas,Identify the school orientation,Give full play to unique advantages。

(Source: School of Continuing Education)